Football Competition Cheerleading
Jordyn Oliver
Aly Barefoot
Talayshia Hunt
Kemorra Covin
Mackenzie Johnson
Ava Mae Vaughan
Mackenzie Mallory
Jada Brown
Brianna Wilkerson
Maddie Smith
Kemora Byron
Caroline Young
Valerie Torrence
Rachel Fachini
Laykenn Mansfield
Dariyona Turner
Jessani Jones
Cheerleader of the Week
Kiley Jones
Kiley works hard and is always willing to help her teammates. She’s energetic & positive AND she threw her back handspring for the first time at comp last weekend! We are so proud of you!

Cheerleader of the Week
Jada King
Her teammates describe her as a leader, dedicated, focused and one of the best. I couldn’t agree more!

Cheerleader of the Week
Abbey Napier
Abbey is a great leader and we love her spirit and determination!