Georgia HOSA:
What is HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America)?
Serving future health professionals since 1976, HOSA was created with the idea of providing students opportunities to develop as a leader and a skilled employee. With over 235,000 members nationwide, it is safe to say that HOSA has met our mission! Georgia HOSA, created in 2000, now serves over 15,000 members. HOSA supports driven, determined student leaders who are excited about healthcare and all that HOSA has to offer. Above all, HOSA is a tool vital to the success of students, teachers, and health professionals. HOSA is 100% healthcare and connects all hubs of the healthcare field. One experience ignites another, sparking a chain reaction between those who teach, learn, and do.
HOSA operates as an integral component of the health science education curriculum. Through its network of state and local chapters, HOSA provides powerful instructional tools, recognition, leadership, networking, scholarships, and connections to the healthcare industry to thousands of members across the United States.
Through the HOSA Competitive Events Program, members can compete in teams or as individuals in over 55 events related to all aspects of the healthcare industry. HOSA integrates into the Health Science Technology Education curriculum to develop and recognize intelligent, dedicated, and passionate future health professionals.
Mission of HOSA:
The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill, and leadership development of all health science technology education students, helping students meet the needs of the healthcare community.