It's almost time for another school year to begin! We are excited to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, and we are eagerly waiting for our students to return ready to learn. Parents, you do not have to worry about purchasing general school supplies again this year! Yay! Students will receive these supplies at the start of school. This is the last year we will be able to use ARP ESSER III funds to purchase these supplies. Please remember if you choose for your child to carry a backpack (at CCPS, CCES, CCMS, and CCHS), you will need to purchase a clear backpack to help promote safer schools and buses. As shared before, backpacks are not allowed at the Learning Center. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's school. Enjoy the rest of the summer break. See you back at school on August 2nd.

Student School Supplies
July 9, 2024